Summertime is over! The days are getting shorter, it is getting cold outside and even the last trees are losing their leaves. This year, autumn was exceptionally long and beautiful in Norway. We could enjoy sunny autumn days with its fresh air until end of September, and the trees kept their colorful leaves until late October. Perfect conditions for long walks in nature.
On one of my autumn trips I went to the glacier Steindaalsbreen in the Lyngen Alps together with a friend of mine. Since it is a long drive from Tromsø, we started quite early in the morning. The tour starts at a parking place in Steindalen and, in the beginning, the trail leads through a narrow valley and we are climbing uphill for a while before the valley widens and we get a view on the mountains on the horizon. Both of us like to take pictures. Therefore, we are progressing only slowly because there are many beautiful subjects along the way.

My Alaskan Husky Taiga is waiting patiently every time we stop although I know she doesn’t like it.

We continue through a wide valley and after a last steep climb we can see the glacier Steindaalsbreen. There is a small track to the right side of the glacier lake that you can follow which leads you directly to the glacier. On the one hand the glacier looks gorgeous and on the other hand I am quite stunned because I realize how unique this moment is. This is the first time in my life that I am so close to a glacier and maybe my generation will be the last one that has the opportunity to see a glacier. Who knows if there will be glaciers still around in 50 or 100 years? And how gigantic must this glacier have looked like 100 years ago?

Meanwhile it is late afternoon, the sun is low on the horizon and the sunlight is transforming the icy surfaces into liquid gold.

On our way back to the parking place, we are much faster because the sun has disappeared behind the mountains and the best light for taking pictures is gone.