Ever since my mother once took me to Heligoland, a small island in the North Sea, when I was a child, I have been fascinated by what you can find on the beach. Back then, I spent hours on the beach hu...Read More
“How do you cope with the long, dark polar night when the sun is gone for two months?” That’s a question I get asked often. The answer? It’s quite simple: I can see the moon in winter ...Read More
What will the new year bring? And what goals should I set for myself? In twelve years, it is the first time that I neither had to work on Christmas, New Year’s Eve, or any of the other days during t...Read More
Exactly one year ago, I went on a road trip to the Varanger peninsula over the weekend because I wanted to take pictures of the landscape there at the beginning of the winter. But most of all, I wante...Read More
Summertime is over! The days are getting shorter, it is getting cold outside and even the last trees are losing their leaves. This year, autumn was exceptionally long and beautiful in Norway. We could...Read More
Life is like a wave. Sometimes we ride like white horses on top of the wave. Sometimes, the wave drags us to the bottom of the ocean and yet some other time we are just floating in the calm sea. Nowad...Read More
Every year there comes a day at the end of November for all of us living here in the northern part of Norway where the sun goes down one evening and doesn’t come back the next morning. The polar...Read More
Winter is riding on a fast sled over the land. He is in a hurry and desperate to cover everything with its white clarity. Only for one day was there a thin sugar coating as a hint that winter is comin...Read More
“There is a bench and a fireplace when you reach the Alta-Canyon” says my hiking description. I am standing at this bench and the fireplace but I can’t see anything of the Alta-Canyon. Did I go ...Read More